He’s only 12, but that hasn't stopped him from dreaming big and balling hard. Zach is a young player with so much potential, who's committed to getting better each and everyday. Let's chat with Zach to learn more:
FUT411: When did you begin playing soccer?
ZACH: 4 Years Old.
FUT411: Why do you love soccer?
ZACH: It is very fun when you score a goal or have a good moment everyone celebrates and I just really enjoy playing it.
FUT411: What is your favorite professional soccer team?
ZACH: FC Barcelona.
FUT411: Is there a coach or athlete that you look up to as a role model and why?
ZACH: Leo Messi because he is one of the best players, he isn't the biggest or strongest but is very skilled.
FUT411: Which strengths do you believe you have that make you a soccer player?
ZACH: My left and right foot are both very good, I always work my left foot as if it were my right foot.
FUT411: What do you believe to be one of your weaknesses and what are you doing to improve it?
ZACH: Goal kicks, I don't always have the best goal kicks to hit someone over the top. I'm Working on getting the plant foot down in the correct position, hitting the correct part of my foot, and following through correctly with power.
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FUT411: Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of soccer?
ZACH: Making youtube videos, I have a youtube channel called Zach Wells Soccer that I like editing videos on.
FUT411: What advice would you give other soccer players your age, to help them achieve their goals?
ZACH: Take practices as serious as a game, not 99% effort, all 100 of it.
FUT411: What do you see yourself accomplishing in five to ten years?
ZACH: Playing overseas in Europe and occasionally traveling back to the US to play in a World Cup.
FUT411: Are there any short-term goals you'd like to accomplish in the next few months to a couple years?
ZACH: Make the U13 FC Dallas Academy team.